“To touch, to move, to inspire; This is the true gift of dance.” ~Aubrey Lynch II
Be sure to come back to my homepage here or visit my YouTube channel @TheAubreyLynch for regular posts of inspiration, love, and light! Scroll down for some of my favorite life lessons. I encourage them, I teach them in therapeutic movement workshops for teens and adults, and I strive to live by these tenets every day. Reach out for more information about my workshop experiences by clicking here.
For the YouTube series click here.​
Tell me you're not sick of life circumstances and emotionally unaware people derailing your dreams, dictating your path, and gaslighting you into dimming your greatness. I'm a living example of what can happen if you stop running, hiding or fighting and learn to walk with all of life's challenges.
Stop being manipulated or bullied by the ineptness of others and get on the path of love and fulfillment. Equip yourself with the essential tenets of emotional intelligence by joining me and navigate your way through the inevitable darts life can throw your way, criticism, rejection, self-doubt, anxiety, heartbreak, etc. Although these skills take a lifetime to learn, we must continue to explore ways to live consciously, manage emotions, and not be run by the subconscious fear and anxiety often triggered by the rigors of everyday life.

Don't slop through life. Even the humblest tasks need your full attention. Do, “the right thing,” not because there is a reward for achieving or punishment for not rising to a goal, but because the task at hand simply needs to be done. Watch the video on the left for more.
Stop letting others determine who you are. Embrace your uniqueness, your oddities, all of you. In a world that would have us conform to standards written by the dominant culture, dare to be you. Watch the video on the right for more.

Shield yourself from the petty darts thrown your way and most of all, avoid the need for outside reaffirmation. No matter how badly you may be gaslit, remember you belong and have a right to be anywhere you choose to be. Watch the video on the left for more.
Would you say to a loved one some of the things you say to yourself? Stop speaking to yourself like a rat in the street. Be your own best friend. Develop a healthy relationship with yourself and foster a supportive, non-judgmental environment for self-reflection. Watch the video on the right for more.

I do not know who said it first, but “Anxiety Lies.” Every spiritual leader has their version of this. “I am not depression. I am noticing depression.” “I am not anxious. I am witnessing anxiety.” “There is sadness, but that sadness isn’t me.” We are not our condition. They are parts of our lives that can be managed. Click image to the left for more.
The past is the past. Own your contributions to the drama in your life, hold yourself accountable, but give yourself a chance to try again without being tainted by the past. Like a ship plowing through the ocean, we are not the wake of the churning ocean behind us.

Find a way to get inspired and remain inspired. Music, being outdoors, reading poetry, and listening to inspirational stories all help. Lean in and get inspired. Do your best to find intrinsic motivation, align your goals with values that drive you, and cultivate a sense of purpose and fulfillment.
Be undeterred by setbacks, handle criticism constructively, and persevere through physical and mental challenges. It’s not about failing or succeeding. It’s about building the capacity to recover and get on with the task at hand. Resilience plays a crucial role in success and overall well-being. Accept, adapt, persevere, bounce back!

Imposter Syndrome is real and can really impact the quality of your work. It’s easy to collect evidence that you may not deserve what you have achieved. Turn off those voices and continue to fill your chest with the wisdom you’ve earned and turn off that voice that may be whispering, “You just got lucky!” Don’t miss the true splendor of your achievements. You are not a phony!
You get to decide what success means and be unwavering in your definition. Be able to celebrate the successes of others and honor yours no matter how humble they may be. Keep rooted in yourself and keep the competition within you. Honor your achievements while setting aspirational goals. Most of all, be reasonable with yourself. Checkout my podcast for more on defining success by clicking the video on the right.

Keep a beginner's mind despite a high level of expertise. Being curious fuels a desire for exploration, learning, and growth. It fosters creativity, enhances problem-solving skills, and ultimately contributes to the development of a unique voice.
The world is not the safest place for authenticity. Authentic people tend to be bullied, disregarded, shamed, and tossed aside. Still, I believe many of us are desperate for authenticity Keep searching for truth.

Reach out to Aubrey directly for press and business-related inquiries.